Category: Development


    “Life Insurance Lottery” an ITHProductions movie directed by Chuck Norfolk,  was screened for cast, and crew, and friends of the film at The Landmark River Oaks Theater, Houston,TX on Monday, September 2, 2019.  The house was packed.  Hese a link to the Houston Chronicle’s write up on the movie:


    “Life Insurance Lottery” is starting to take shape on the Director, Chuck Norfolk’s cutting board. When he’s finished up with the sound sync and rough cut,  Travis Champagne, will be taking over editing to complete the movie do the final cuts. Travis is known in the industry for “Jackdaw, “Sound Of Trains”, ” Native” and…

  • The Next Frame

    From left to right, Director: Chuck Norfolk Producer: Courtney Sandifer DP: Ron Greene Exec Producer/Producer: Robert M Reese together after crew meeting for the upcoming shoot on “Life Insurance Lottery”.

  • The Next Frame

    Here we are, Chris Mullins, Chuck Norfolk, and myself discussing the sound requirements for the future production of “Life Insurance Lottery”, written and directed by Chuck Norfolk. All this while grilling hamburgers. A�Filming starts May 2018. Watch for our Indigogo page so you too can help support this Indie Film.

  • The Next Frame

    Attended the SWAMP Salon at Echo Film School last night 2/27/2018. Watched ALIEN CRASH SITES ON THE MOON, directed by Chuck Norfolk. Here I’m seated with Joe Grisaffi, Courtney Sandifer Norfolk, and Chuck Norfolk. Chuck and I have entered development of A�a new full feature film, Title yet to be disclosed. The project has the…

  • The Next Frame

    Welcome to the new web page ITH PRODUCTIONS. Hopefully you find interesting information here on what is currently taking place at ITH. The picture that is posted here is of the Houston Premier of “Pussy Riot The Movement”. A movie I was proudly one of the Producers on along with Natasha Fissick and Carole Keeny…

  • Recital News

    December 2017 recitals are complete. Next round of recitals will be in May 2018.